Filmmaker's Relationship to the Film and the Community

The filmmaker and director Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky is supporting the locals initiative by providing mitigational plans and any possible support on location for a conflict free coexistence between the farmers, the elephants and the local people in order to have a safe harvest during crop season around Golaghat, Assam. 

Brigitte is working since 2018 in this area, in close collaboration with a featured couple in the film, Dulu Bora and Meghna Hazarika, who have completely changed the mindset of the people, helped put down their aggression to level zero and replace it with love for the animals. 

Brigitte is working in elephant conservation since 2010 in India (and, later on, in Africa), and has set up an NGO called “Elefanten in Not” (Elephants in Need) in 2014, Switzerland. 

She also has a shooting contract with ARTE REPORTAGE 360° starting in June 2023 about the same topic, Human-Elephant-Conflict. Expected broadcast release by March 2024. 

However, this film here, ELEPHANTS, FROM ZERO TO HERO, is her own film about this conflict, which since that day has become FREE OF CONFLICTS between the elephants and humans. All credits go to Hati Bondhu Fraternity.

We pray for success of both, for her documentary film Elephants, From Zero to Hero, and for the community of Hati Bondhu to continue this fantastic project in Assam.

Knock on wood!